Monday, June 06, 2011


I hate confusion. And I’ve been confused more times than I can remember. You know what it’s like; you get a nasty, strange sort of feeling because all you really want is for things to be clear again, but you just can’t seem to get there somehow. It slips away no matter how hard you try. And the more you pray for clarity the more bewilderment you get. What was once up now it’s down. You’re getting lost and you can only stray further away. And I know someone once said that if you don’t get lost there’s a chance you may never be found but I still hate it. Plus, I get scared when I’m lost. It never brings me any good while I’m there. 
This painting is about seeing an old lady waiting for a bus on one late afternoon in spring holding her purple umbrella looking just so old and lost. And about me, being unable to get that image out of my head for a mighty very long time. 
Acrylic on canvas, 30x40 cm